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I: Membership


Section 1. Eligibility. Any person interested in the advancement of optics and/or closely allied sciences and in the welfare of this Society shall be eligible for membership.

Section 2. Application for Membership. Application for membership in this Society must state the candidate’s name, position and interests in optics.

Section 3. Duties and Privileges. All members shall have the right to vote, hold office (if of legal age), and to attend meetings of the Society.

Section 4. Termination of Membership. Membership in the Society shall be terminated by:

                (A)      Request of the member

Or       (B)      A two-thirds vote of the Executive Council, for due cause

Or       (C)      Non-payment of dues.

Members terminated by methods (B) shall be so notified in writing.


II: Sponsors

Section 1. Eligibility

(A)    Corporate Sponsor

Any corporation interested in the advancement of optics and/or any closely allied sciences and in the welfare of this Society shall be eligible to become a corporate sponsor.

(B)    Professional Sponsor

Any person or small organization interested in the advancement of optics and/or any closely allied sciences and in the welfare of this Society shall be eligible to become a professional sponsor.

Section 2. Election to Sponsorship. Potential sponsors shall be accepted as sponsors of the Society when favored by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Council voting thereon.  

Section 3. Privileges. Sponsor privileges and the number of individual memberships accompanying each category (Corporate, Professional) sponsorship shall be determined by the Executive Council.

Section 4. Termination of Sponsorship.  Sponsorship of the Society shall be terminated by:

            (A)             Request of the sponsor

Or   (B)      A two-thirds vote of the Executive Council voting thereon, for due cause.

Sponsors terminated by method (B) shall be so notified in writing.


III: Collections and Disbursements

Section 1. Dues and Contributions. Members and sponsors shall annually contribute to the Society in a manner and amount determined by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Council voting thereon such that the Society shall operate for neither profit nor loss. Notices of dues and contributions shall be set prior to the last day of October for members and prior to the last day of January for sponsors.

Section 2. Disbursements. Disbursements shall be made by the Treasurer or (in the event of his/her unavailability) by the President or Secretary. Disbursements shall be within a budget that has received a two-thirds vote of the Executive Council voting thereon. No officer or member of the Society shall receive any remuneration from the treasury of the Society for services to the Society unless specifically approved by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Council voting thereon. Expenses incurred by Members of the Society for authorized activities will be reimbursed under direction of the Treasurer.

Section 3. Ownership of Society Property. The Society shall not be operated for profit. Its entire properties and facilities shall be devoted to the purposes for which it is organized as set forth in the Constitution, By-Laws, and Amendments. No member shall have right to or any share in any of the property or assets of the Society.

Section 4. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Society shall commence on 1 June.


IV: Officers

Section 1. Regular Officers The duties of the President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Society shall be the usual ones pertaining to such offices. The president shall act as Chairperson of the Executive Council and shall be an Ex-officio member of all committees. The secretary and treasurer shall make formal reports to the Society at least once a year. The treasurer’s reports shall be audited by at least one member of the Society appointed by the president by March for that purpose. The officers shall perform such duties as are prescribed in these By-Laws or assigned by the Society or by the Executive Council.

Section 2. Executive Council The Executive Council shall direct all affairs and activities of the Society not otherwise provided for by the Constitution and By-Laws as well as perform those duties specifically assigned to it by the Constitution, By-Laws, or by vote of the Society.

Section 3. Committees With the approval of the Executive Council the president shall appoint such committees as are necessary for the continuing operation of the Society.


V: Election of Officers and Councilors

Section 1. Eligibility Councilors shall be elected from the membership of the Society.  

Section 2. Time of Election Councilors shall be elected at the annual business meeting of the Society

Section 3. Elected Officer Positions The roles of President, Treasurer, and Secretary shall be filled by the elected Councilors and approved by two-thirds votes of the incoming Executive Council voting thereon. 

Section 4 The elected Executive Council size shall be no more than nine (9) individual elected members, unless expanded by a 2/3 majority vote of the Executive Council. Such an expansion will only extend until the next election.

Section 5. Nominations The President shall propose a nominating committee. The committee’s slate shall include at least three (3) nominees for Councilor. The Secretary shall solicit additional nominations from the membership in February. The proposed slate shall be presented to the Executive Council prior to the April meeting. The slate of candidates shall be presented to the membership at the April society meeting. Nominations for Councilor may be made from the floor at the April Society meeting.

Section 6. Voting Voting shall be by secret ballot, to be tallied and announced at the annual business meeting of the Society. Election procedures established by the Executive Council shall apply and be binding.

Section 7. Ties Ties for Councilor shall be resolved by expanding the Executive Council to include the smallest number of Councilors in excess of nine (9) as can be determined by the vote.

Section 8. Vacancies Vacant offices shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Council.

Section 9. Executive Council Vacancies In the event the Executive Council Membership falls below quorum, the Executive Council shall carry out the Business of the Society as Acting Council, and shall solicit Executive Council Members to replace vacancies in a manner fitting Roberts Rules of Order, Revised.


VI: Meetings

Section 1. Society Meetings Meetings of the Society shall be held as determined by the Executive Council. The annual business meeting of the Society shall be held in May of each year.

Section 2. Executive Council Meetings Meetings of the Executive Council shall be held as needed at convenient times decided by the President. Their first meeting is traditionally held within five weeks of the annual business meeting, but must be held before the first regular meeting of the Society in each fiscal year. The Secretary shall keep minutes of, and a record of attendance at, the Council Meetings.

Section 3. Quorum A quorum necessary for the transaction of business at a meeting of the Society shall be meeting attendees who are members in good standing. A quorum for Executive Council shall consist of a majority of members of the Executive Council, including at least one Officer.


(Typed 8/00, by lcb. Bylaws as amended in 1981. Bylaws further amended 2001. Additional amendments 2019 GJB)